Our trip to New England begins in Massachusetts!

Boston, MA
Boston by russaviax

After a few months enjoying all that New York City has to offer, the moment to pack our suitcases has arrived! As usual in El Boqueron Viajero, we will be taking a road trip. Last year, since we were separated for a few months in the move to New York, we could not take a summer trip. However, this will be our fourth road trip. In 2009 we enjoyed a trip that started in Málaga (in the South of Spain) and drove to Faro, Lisbon, Sintra, Mérida and finally back to Madrid. In 2010 we left Málaga again, but this time we headed to the Eastern coast to Granada, Almería, Murcia and Alicante with a stop in Albacete on the way back to Madrid. A year later we drove through the small towns in Asturias and in 2012 the island of Tenerife.

Bar Harbor, Maine
Bar Harbor, Maine by Jonesey

This year we are excited because it will be our first road trip together in the United States. Since we don’t have our own car, we rented one from Avis, which offered the best rates for our 11 day trip. We will leave from New York and visit New England starting in Massachusetts. We will spend two days in Lexington and Concord (cities famous for their historical role in the War of Independence of the United States) and two more days in Boston where we will see sites including Harvard University, the Samuel Adams Brewery, and we will even get to try one of the famous Ducky Tours (a bus in the shape of a duck that goes on the road and later into the water).

First Parish, Lexington MA
Lexington MA by John Phelan

Our next stop on the route will be Portsmouth, New Hampshire on our way to Bar Harbor, Maine. We can’t wait to visit Maine with it’s beautiful natural landscapes, and delicious lobster! Bar Harbor, a city where many upper class New Yorkers spent their summers in the past, is our destination for three nights while we visit a friend and enjoy hiking, bicycle riding, and everything else this gorgeous state has to offer. But that is not the end of our route! From Maine we will head back towards New York, but not before we stop in the fifth state in New England: Rhode Island. Providence, it’s capital, is where we will spend the second to last night of our trip before traveling to Danbury in Connecticut where our trip will end. 11 days where we hope to show you the wonders that you can visit by car from New York.

What do you think? Will you “virtually” join us for our trip? You can follow us on the social networks listed below: Twitter, Facebook and Instagram. For those of you who would like to see everything summarized, we will be using the hashtag #ebvNewEngland

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Pedro Ramirez
I was born and raised in Málaga, Spain. After living in Madrid, Barcelona and New York, I've returned home to enjoy the sun! I love to share the places I discover and write about them.
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